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INF Famille 1     65x50.JPG
INF Famille 1     65x50.JPG


Jeune fille en costume breton tenant un bouquet d'hortensias devant la mer, soleil couchant.
Structure de roche : schistes de lande formant un visage avec les lichens. bruyères.
Femme coonversant dans une atmosphère feutrée toute en glacis bleus.

In her universe, Marianne approaches painting along 3 axes:  


  • Figurative, always based on the desire to paint a subject that challenges him: portraits, nudes, Breton women in headdresses, landscapes and flowers

  • Structural, i.e. based on the observation of a material (rocks, wood etc.) which evokes an image and suggests an interpretation

  • Informal, that is to say far from reality, emanating from the unconscious

Have you fallen in love with one of these works? Do not hesitate to contact me to discuss it!

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